India Groups

Abhay Sharma
Abiding Hope church
Abundant Harvest Ministries
Abundant Life Fellowship
Adaikalapuram Missionary Society
Adivasi (Sadri)
Adullam Assembly
Agape Evangelical Mission Group
Ajeet Takri
Akbhar Khan
Alphonse Garbhapu
Amazing Grace
Amazing Group
Ambika Negi
Ambika Negi/Women Empowerment Ministry
Andhra Pradesh Pastors
Anuj shah
Apostolic Resource Centre
Arun Kumar
Ashish L
Baptist Bible college
Baptist Bible College 2
Bethani Bible Institute
Bethany Bible institute
Bethel Gospel Prayer hall
Bethel prayer house
Bethesda church of God
Bethesda Evangelical ministry
Bethesda Prayer House
Bhetel Prayer Hall
Bhethesta church
Bible Study Group
Bihit Kumar Parichha
Blessing Global AG Church
Blessing Prayer Tower Ministries
Blessing Taneti
Bretheren Assembly
Bru Baptist Church
C D Kora
Calvary Grace Baptist Mission
Calvary prayer temple
Cam Ministry Group
Cedar of Lebanon ministries
Charitable Trust Group
Christ fellowship
Christ Love Prayer Fellowship
Christ mission for India
Christ the King Church
Christian Bible Church Ministry
Christian Evangelistic Assemblies
Christian Young Soldiers
Chrysalis Youth
Church of Christ Bible Group
Church of God in inda
Church of God in india
Church of South india
Church planting movement team
Churches Reconstruction Revival and Development
CKM Ministries
Council Cicm
Crossway Group
D Ku Nayak
Daivaswarupi church
DEEDS ministry
Deepak Borgoary
Disciples Bible College
Divine Bible College
Dyvaswarupi Church
Ecclesia Theological Seminary
ECI Sora
El Shaddai Living God ministries
El-Shaddai Ministries
El-shaddai Ministries 2
Elshaddai House of Worship
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Emmanuel Charis Bible School
Emmanuel Grace Group
Eternal Life
Faith Friends Charitable Society
Faith Miracle Ministries
Father's House Ministries
Fellowship of Baptist Churches India
Full Gospel Prayer Ministry
G B K Bodanayak
Gandham. Simonraju
Girish kumar Gandhi
God Grace Academy
God's grace
God's Word Study Group
Godavarikhani pastors training center
Good Sheherd
Good Sheherd Compassion Ministries
Good Shepherd
Grace Bible Group
Grace Bible Group
Grace Evangelical Ministries
Grace Gift Group
Grace of God Fellowship
GRM Biblical training centre
Gundepogula. Mathew
Guntur Theological Seminary
Gurdhyan Bushari
Gurdhyan Singh
Harvest Group
head of the corner church
Heart cry for the gospel missions society
Heavenly Christ Ministries
Hindi mission team
Holy Bride Bible Institute
Holy Bride Fellowship
Holy Bride Fellowship
Holy Citizens Team
Holy Gospel Mission
Holy prayer hall
Hope For All
Hope For The Harvest Organization
Hosanna Fellowship
House of prayer Extention
ica church
IJL Group
Immanuel Hope Center
Immanuel prayer house
Impact Nation Trust
Inaparthi Zephaniah Phinehus
Independent Full Gospel Church
Independent Pentecostal
India Gospel Outreach Ministries
Influentiel Mission Trust
Ismael paraseth
Jammikunta pastors training center
Javvaji Philomon
Jem group
Jesus Christ Gospel Church
Jesus Christ Gospel Ministry
Jesus Christ prayer hall
Jesus Cross Ministries
Jesus is Alive Ministries
Jesus is alive ministries - Samuel
Jesus pradana mandiramu
Jesus Prayer Hall
Jesus preserve ministries
Jesus The way Ministries
Jesus The Way Ministries
JJRM Tirupathi
Jlm India
John Varghese
Joshua Group
Joshua Surlo
K.Abhishek Raj
Kamanpur pastors training center
Karimnagar pastors training center
King Jesus Family Church
Kingdom Ambassador
Kings Bible College (New Testament Church)
Kiran Chettri
Komanapalli Kumarbaba Joseph
Kosanom Srinuvsrow
Kreestu Suvartha Bheri Ministry
Krupa Satya
L Jaya Prakash
Lamp ministries
Lance Ovung
LFC Group- 2
Light of life Group
Lighthouse Fellowship
Lighthouse Foundation
Living faith Church - 1
Living Faith Church- 3
Living Faith churches Ministry
Living fountain Ministry
Living God Harvest Church
Living stone pani
Living Word Church
Logos Global Classroom
M2M Cross Culture Mission Seminary
Mahanaeemu Calvary church
Malapati. Raju
Maloya Prayer House
Manchi kapari
Mannava Foundation
Manoranjan Benia
MCF Academy
Mennonite Prayer Fellowship Church
Merry Heart to Heart ministries
Messi Bible Study Group
Metro Pastor's Fellowship
Metro Pastors Fellowship
MHHM ministries
Mighty God Holy Spirit
Mizpah Miracle Church
Moti Rajwanshi
Moti Singh Rajwanshi
Mudidapu bhaskararao
Mukesh Jena
Mukesh kumar
Mukesh Pashyan
Mullapati Babu Rao
Native Bible Church
Neahamya prayer house
Neel Ministry
Neel Pradeep Negi
Network Leaders
New Bethastha prayer fellowship
New Bethestha prayer fellowship
New Jerusalem church
New Jerusalem Prayer House
New Life Crusade for Christ Ministries
New Life movement Intl
Nuthana nibhandhana Pradhan mandhiram
Odiya Christian Bible Seminary
OFHM team
P Joharaj
Padmavathi R
Paladan Bod
Pathfinders Commission
Peddapalli pastors training center
Penuel Prayer Fellowship Ministry
Penuelu prayer hall
Philadelphia Pentecostal Church
Potter's Hands
Prasad Telluri
Pravardhan Foundation
Praveen Kumar
Prayer warriors
Preet Masih Bhatti
Rainbow Gospel Church India
Ramagundam pastors training center
Raraju prayer hall
Reachout Himalaya's Network
REAL Group
Real India
Redeemer's Disciples
Restoration Church
Restoration India Mission-1
Restoration Temple Tanuku
Revival warriores Vijayawada
Rhema Bible School
Rhema Gospel Team
ROOF (Reach Out Our Friends)
Rural Care Ministries
Satya suvartha ministries
Seek and save Christian ministry development society
Seminary for Advanced Learning in Theology (SALT)
Shalom Faith Ministries
Shalom Group
Shalom Ministries-India
Sheba ministries
Siliguri Group
Sonrise India
Special Prayer Meeting for women
SSOM Awapalli CG
SSOM Badrachalam
SSOM Darsi
SSOM Dornala
SSOM Malluru
SSOM Palavancha
SSOM Vemulavada
Stephen Paka
Syed Samdani Basha
Telangana Bible College
The Amazing Grace Ministry
The Apostolic Band
The Chosen
The Holy God Ministries
The Power of Living God Ministries
The Restoration Temple Group 2
The Word
Theological School of Ministry
True Ministries
True Ministries
Truth Seekers
Umesh Praja
Unity Bible School
Uplift Bible School
Victory Theological Seminary
VLTNKL Scripture study Group
Wisdom Love Service
Women Group
Women impact
World Missionary Evangelism Bible College
Y.John Wesley
Yenumula. Moshe
Yesu kreestu pradhana mandiram
Yong for Christ.
Young Soldiers For christ
Zion Faith Church
Zion Gospel Ministries
Zion house of worship
Zion india
Zion Ministries
Zion ministry's india